Embodying Resilience-Prenatal and Postpartum Yoga Teacher Training for These Times

Why did I create THIS program for THESE times?

With so much constantly changing, parents and soon-to be-parents are facing higher amounts of stress and isolation than they were pre-pandemic days.  (Most certainly many parents had plenty of stress before COVID too!). There is SO much research to show that yoga and movement is beneficial to all the layers of your health and wellness. But let me share with you a few parts of what makes this training unique. 

This program responds to our need for connection and community.  Although most of us would prefer to teach and learn in person, one thing we’ve learned this past year and a half is that gathering in group settings isn’t always ideal nor even possible. As it turns out, many folks LOVE the flexibility of practicing yoga online and in the comfort of their own home.  So this program will prepare you for working in both online and in person settings.  AAAAAAAAND that’s why this isn’t a an entirely pre-recorded training with 2 thirds of it live through zoom (I really don’t understand how you could possibly integrate all this amazingness solo without an actual community of learning and classmates going through the material at the same time?!). Spending time with real humans, even in an online setting, can be a huge anchor in your day to day life.

Content baby-ain’t nothing like it in the world! How shall I say this politely….There are SO many ways of practicing yoga and mindfulness these days, it can be overwhelming and frustrating to figure out what is grounded in actual yoga philosophy/practice layered with a wondering of how modern day research reflects on these particular practices?  In Embodying Resilience, you will learn poses, sequences and styles that will enhance your inquiry based movement practice AND how these practices enhance your and your students’ embodiment as it relates to the Nervous System.

I feel pretty blessed (and privileged) to have studied with some amazing teachers these last 20 years of learning and teaching yoga. This past year, I’ve studied with leaders in the field of Pain Care, as well as Yoga Therapy for Mental Health.  Along with sharing many of these brilliant gems from the yoga world, I’ll be weaving in some Birthing From Within inspired practices and my learnings as a Full Spectrum Doula, all intended to serve and nourish those through this mighty transition to becoming a parent.

Although the program is technically a Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training, all efforts are being made to make this program as welcoming and inclusive of ALL paths toward parenthood.  So of course this course will prepare you to work with pregnant folks AND it is our intention to expand upon what the “typical” program offers (you know- the neurotypical, heteronormative, colonial, racist, culture-appropriating majority of yoga teacher trainings?!). 

Are we still learning and will we make mistakes?  Most definitely.  AND may it be we are creating community and “safe enough” environments where those who have concerns or suggestions will be able to share their perspectives and voices in constructive ways that encourage ongoing learning, love, action and compassion in our daily lives and the communities we are part of.

My next posts will highlight some of the wonderful work our Guest Teachers are doing in the world. I would love to hear your questions, suggestions and wonderings!


Community Care =Self Care =Community Care


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